Environmental Public Relations Initiatives Strive To Motivate The Public To Help The Environment

Environmental public relations initiatives strive to motivate the public to help the environment


Kevin Waddel

In this day and age, it is not enough to sit on the sidelines and watch the environmental battles that occur on a daily basis play out in the public arena. The very real impact that environmental misconduct can have on the planet is simply staggering. Look at deforestation, the high number of extinct species, global warning, and the poor quality of air in some major cities across the world, some right here in the United States of America. Despite what some on air conservative pundits would have the populous believe; these problems are very real and pose a significant threat to the human race s continued existence on this planet. If major corrective actions are not taken within a short period of time, it may be too late and the world may have to start considering extreme options that have heretofore only been the subject of science fiction movies and novels. Thankfully, there are a number of recent scientific and technological advancements that have served humanity way in the commercial arena, which also have the capability to clean up the environment. It is simply a matter of getting enough world governments on board to support the cleanup effort. The technology is there; only the will to use it has to be achieved before anything can be done about the significant problems facing the world today.

This is why so many concerned citizens, and even some small to mid- sized corporations are taking matters into their own hands and starting environmental public relations initiatives to motivate people to get off the couch and to spring into action in hopes of saving the world from sheer and utter destruction through avarice, greed, and laziness. In service of this somewhat lofty but certainly noble and absolutely achievable goal of cleaning up the earth so that future generations can live full and happy lives, many environmental activists have launched environmental public relations initiatives using conventional media outlets, such as print, television, radio, and internet ads, as well as incorporating new methods such as the extensive use of social media to get their message across.


Some activists have even gone so far as to hire an environmental public relations firm to help them convince the public that actions are needed now, and that the time for waiting is over. These highly specialized environmental public relations firms have the know how and unique skill set required to get people to realized the error of their ways. When people have a set viewpoint on any issue, let alone one as divisive and controversial as ways to the help the environment, it can be incredibly difficult to change the way people think about said issue. This is why many environmental public relations firms are using social media to bolster their cause. By enabling the environmental clean up movement to take shape slowly, and by using people s connections online to pass along information, environmental public relations firms hope that people start to see a groundswell of support for the so called green movement and will hop on board. Hopefully, they will then tell their friends, coworkers, and family members, who will in turn spread it around. And if this happens enough, then change can occur. This is the ultimate goal of any environmental public relations initiative. If an environmental public relations initiative does nothing to help the environment, then it has failed miserably and has not lived up to its lofty and noble purpose.

For more information visit to http://www.makovsky.com

Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York,

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