Try New Healthy Recipes For Kids With A Food Swap

Try New Healthy Recipes For Kids With A Food Swap



Anyone with young children knows how difficult it can be to encourage healthy eating habits. Families are frequently too busy to cook at home, and often eat out. Our efforts are further thwarted by advertising agencies appealing to our children, and convenience foods are notoriously poor choices for our health. For parents committed to feeding their children healthy meals, finding new and interesting recipes can also be a challenge. Food swaps are a way to get families cooking together, making healthful food for kids, and offer variety as well as a chance to socialize with other families committed to better eating. Read on for tips on how to start a food swap in your community.

The Basics Of Starting A Healthy Food Swap

The model for a food swap is simple. Invite families to participate in making healthy recipes for kids and grownups. When you meet, each member of the group will share portions of their meal with the other participants. The end result? A fridge or freezer full of lunches and dinners at a fraction of the cost. Some families do this on a weekly or monthly basis — often enough to ensure there are always easy meals on hand for busy weeknights when no one feels like cooking. Trading meals can also help families save money by reducing the temptation to eat out.


Start By Getting The Word Out, Then Sort The Details

Start advertising a swap by mentioning it to family and friends. Talk to the parents of your children\’s classmates and peers from after school activities. Anywhere you run into parents is a great place to get the conversation going about sharing healthful food choices. Don\’t forget how powerful a tool like social media is in sparking discussions and making connections. You may find support for your idea through a friend of a friend on facebook or twitter. You can also try posting notices at your local coffee shop or community center.

When you have a group ready to start sharing their favorite family recipes, it\’s time to plan. Decide how often you\’ll meet up and where. Poll the group for whether they prefer to sign up for meals so there is variety, or if each event will be a free for all. Swappers may prefer to prepare their meals in advance and deliver them to a member\’s house, and rotate until everyone has hosted a swap. Some small groups enjoy preparing their meals together, making the process of cooking healthful foods a social activity kids and parents can enjoy together.

Final Tips For Sharing Healthy Recipes For Kids

Whether your swap is casual or a big social event your family looks forward to, enjoy it! When you commit to preparing healthy meals for your family — and make it fun — your kids will take notice. Make it easy for children to get involved, and make some great memories together. Reinforcing the importance of healthy eating while spending time with family and friends will give your children a gift of health that may last a lifetime.

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